Monday, January 16, 2012

New Books to Check Out

There are two new worthwhile books that I would like to draw your attention to. Self publishing is becoming such a viable avenue that even the publishing companies are taking notice and starting up self-publishing divisions. In this tough economy, especially, it brings important books to the marketplace that might not have made it otherwise. The downfall is that not as many consumers learn about these great books. Here are two that I recommend.

One is a book that has helped me personally since I reviewed it several years ago when I met the author, now a friend, at a writing conference in Hilton Head. Her daughter was killed in a car accident on the same road going to the same school that my son attended when we lived in Asheville, N.C. Author Ginny Callaway, whose husband is Grammy Award winning bluegrass musician David Holt, wrote about the importance of being a comfort and support to someone who is grieving. I used this knowledge when another friend's only child died from SIDS. I would not have known how to be there for my devastated friend had I not been exposed to Ginny's book. A Friend in Grief: Simple Ways to Help gives you the words and actions to reach out and support someone with confidence and compassion.

Secondly, as a home schooling mom, I have been unable to find quality physical fitness and nutrition books that are written from a God-centered perspective. This summer I became acquainted with the author of a brand new book/curriculum called Faithful Workouts for Youth. Not only is it a good read, but it covers what's necessary for our spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. It's written for kids, but beneficial for adults as well. Here's a blurb on Faithful Workouts:

There is so much emphasis on academics, but are we focusing enough on spiritual growth and development, physical fitness, and nutrition? Students can earn PE credits by enjoying the Faithful Workouts for Youth and learning how a relationship with God, exercising, and eating right makes us healthy in all aspects of our lives.

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